New Dream Academy UK Business Partner
Our UK Business Partner
We are delighted to announce that we have a new business partner in the UK .
The White Wedding Company is headed up by Chelsea Spokes presenter of the Key 103 Breakfast Show.
Having been honoured with planning Chelsea and Matt’s Dream Wedding in Italy in 2011, we struck up a great friendship and Chelsea is now following another of her dreams---that of Wedding Planner.
Chelsea and her team in the UK are able to help you create a truly unique and personal wedding celebration. Covering the whole of North West England, she will bring your vision to life by providing you with essential support and guidance, giving you the beautiful English wedding you deserve.
If Italy is your choice then The White Wedding Company and Dream Academy will nurture your plans to perfection.
We are delighted to have Chelsea and her team on board and look forward to a long and happy collaboration.
Published: 22nd April 2013